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Maintenance Notes
This page contains information on items that pertain to the long term maintenance of the Bearhawk. The items are largely ones that I have found and rectified on my own Bearhawk, or become aware of from other owners.

Engine Issues
History I originally purchased a refurbished Lycoming engine from an engine supplier who is very closely affiliated with the Bearhawk...

Tailwheel Stinger Movement
The original Bearhawk A model had a leaf type tailwheel spring. The B model changed to a stinger. Early on during test flying I noticed...

Trim Tab Hinge Play
Several Bearhawk owners have reported excessive play in the trim tab hinges, including two high time Bearhawks, and two low time...

Elevator rubbing
During initial assembly we found my right elevator torque tube to be in very close proximity to the adjacent support bracket. I had...

Part Numbers for Maintenance Items
This page contains a list of routine maintenance parts together with part numbers for easy ordering as they apply to my Bearhawk 4B....

Control Stick play
A number of Bearhawk builders had noted an (annoyingly) high amount of control stick play in the fore-aft axis. The play appears to come...

Broken Flap guide
At least one Bearhawk owner has reported a cracked flap guide (red arrow in the photo below). The symptoms were that the flap handle was...

Flap Pulley Wear
Several Bearhawk owners have reported wear observed on the inside of the exterior fuselage flap pulleys, generally at around 400 flight...

Flap Handle Wear
One owner reported wear on the flap handle lower bolt hole at the 1000 hour inspection. The original 3/16" hole had elongated and...

Fuel Servo Finger Filter
On my aircraft I observed a decrease in fuel pressure on two separate occasions while in the cruise at 8500ft. A subsequent data download...

Stainless Steel Control Cables
Some builders that has installed stainless steel control cables reported relatively high wear on the cables after several hundred hours...

Tailwheel Shimmy
History Shimmy is when the tailwheel becomes unstable and oscillates from side to side, or rotates through 360º usually during a landing...

Pitch Trim Tab Hinges
Several owners have reported excess play in the pitch trim tab hinges. An easy fix suggested by an engineer was to add RTV to the hinge...
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