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Loss of Directional Control on Landing

The Bearhawk is a well mannered aircraft among tail-draggers. However tail-draggers as a group are more challenging to handle during take-off and landing, and this shows up in the insurance premiums and accident statistics. One of the most common accident types in this group is loss of directional control on landing. Although it is not usually associated with serious injuries (it can be), it can often be damaging and expensive.

A viewing of the NTSB database for reported Bearhawk accidents shows a very high occurrence (17 as of 2024) of Loss of Directional Control on Ground (Ground loop). In addition, two more are reported to have occurred more recently. A number of other known LODCOG incidents have occurred that are not reflected in the database.

The majority of these accidents occurred early in the aircraft's life, many within the first 100 hours and several in very first few hours. When viewed as a percentage of the total number of Bearhawk aircraft flying, the accident rate becomes significant. It's worth remembering that these statistics only capture events that are reported, and in the case of the NTSB, only in the USA.

There are a number of things that builders and new Bearhawk pilots can do to reduce the chances of a mishap and greatly stack the odds in their favor.


  1. If at all possible, get training on a Bearhawk from a qualified Bearhawk type-rated instructor. A qualified instructor will also ensure that you become aware of other Bearhawk specific considerations such as Weight and Balance, Go-Around technique, Fuel System functionality etc.

  2. There is a strong emphasis on using a Bearhawk type rated instructor as distinguished from an experienced tailwheel instructor. A number of accidents have occurred where a well meaning but non-type rated instructor was at the controls, albeit with the best of intentions.

  3. Operate from a grass runway until completely proficient. Grass is significantly more forgiving than tarseal or concrete if the aircraft is not perfectly aligned with the runway on touchdown.

  4. Operate in light winds. This will help to keep wind gusts to a minimum. Once proficient the Bearhawk is very capable in stronger winds.

  5. Operate initially in nil or minimal crosswind. This simplifies getting the alignment correct. Again, once proficient, the Bearhawk is very capable in a crosswind particularly with its large rudder.

  6. Ensure that touchdowns occur at minimum speed. If a tailwheel aircraft is not aligned perfectly, any directional control issues are amplified with additional speed.

  7. Keep the CG mid to forward. An aft CG amplifies any directional control issues.

  8. When operating in a crosswind, correct crosswind technique is very important, much more so than a nose-wheel aircraft. This is due to the significant tendency for a tail-wheel aircraft to turn into the wind. Keeping ailerons into wind (i.e. control stick to the left with crosswind from the left) while taking-off and landing is paramount and greatly assists in maintaining directional control, due to the down-going aileron increasing drag and therefore aiding directional controllability with a crosswind.

The advantage of getting proper instruction on a Bearhawk from a Bearhawk qualified instructor cannot be overstated.




This information is the authors opinion and only applies to the authors own aircraft. It is derived from a variety of sources which may not be correct or up to date. All amateur built aircraft are different and the information may not be relevant to any other aircraft. We recommend getting specific instruction on a Bearhawk aircraft before flying your own one.

©2019 by Bearhawkblog.

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