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Uncoordinated Flight

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Uncoordinated flight will effect all aircraft types, not just a Bearhawk. However because the Bearhawk has a remarkably powerful rudder these effects may be more noticeable.

Fuel System

Uncoordinated flight (ball not centered) can significantly impact the fuel system, resulting in uneven fuel burn from each tank, fuel transfer from one tank to another in the direction of the ball, and possibly fuel starvation. See the above links for more details.

Fuel Cap Vents

If trouble-shooting a fuel transfer or uneven fuel burn issue, be aware that a blocked fuel cap vent will exhibit similar symptoms.

Heavy Wing

One factor that may make it difficult to fly the aircraft with the ball centered is if it has a "Heavy Wing". It can be apparent if one aileron hinge-line is not identical to the other. It can also be caused by mounting more hardware in one wing than the other, for example a Magnetometer, Landing Light etc. When weighing the aircraft, it may show up as more weight on one of the main wheels than the other and may be amplified due to the long arm if items are mounted outboard on the wing.

Steady Heading Side-slip

In the case with a heavy wing (or a rigging error), the ailerons may be continually deflected a small amount to keep the wings level. Due to more drag from the down-going aileron, when flying wings level there will be yaw to that side, known as a Steady Heading Side-slip. It may also result in continual fuel transfer if the ball is not centered, or a continual small change of heading.

Sight Gauges

Sight gauges need to be read with the ball centered. If the ball is not centered, the sight gauges may indicate uneven fuel quantities, even if the fuel tanks contain exactly the same quantity of fuel. This can lead to the pilot selecting what they perceive to be the fullest fuel tank in an attempt to balance fuel, and can lead to unintended consequences.

These effects are discussed in detail at the above links.




This information is the authors opinion and only applies to the authors own aircraft. It is derived from a variety of sources which may not be correct or up to date. All amateur built aircraft are different and the information may not be relevant to any other aircraft. We recommend getting specific instruction on a Bearhawk aircraft before flying your own one.

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